Financial Forecasting & Analysis
Our most advanced financial model is a strong tool to help you see how your company’s finances will evolve each month. Some investors say it’s “the best financial plan I’ve ever seen.”
We can adjust our financial plan model to fit any kind of business, or start a new model from the beginning if needed. Making these plans is part skill and part science, and we have the knowledge to help you do it well.
We create simple ideas to make your business easier to understand. This helps you and others focus on fewer important parts.
Our forecasting methods show how one thing affects another. So, if one part changes, everything connected to it will also change. For instance, the number of people in your “tech support” team could depend on how many customers you have.
Other important features of our model include:
Sales forecast based on assumptions.
- Income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
- Monthly details with quarterly and yearly summaries.
- Assumptions are color-coded, documented, and organized by category.
- Thorough error checking to quickly identify mistakes.
- Generate a PDF of the whole model with just one click.
- Operating expenses
- Important ratios to compare with industry standards.

Business Plan and Financial Model Review Services
If you already have a business plan and want a professional to look at it, you’re in the right place. Our service will check your plan carefully, just like potential investors would. The GeopFX’s review is a fast, affordable, and important way to make sure your business plan is the best it can be.
We offer our business plan review services at a lower price than our usual hourly rates. Based on what you need and how much you can spend, we have three levels of review services available:
Trend to continue
According to a Bloomberg survey, an overwhelming 93% of C-suite executives consider financial modeling indispensable for strategic planning.
Quick Assessment (INR 5000)
- 60 minutes to quickly look over your work
- 60 minutes of feedback given over the phone
Basic Assessment (INR 20000)
- Spend three hours looking at your documents and creating a report about your business plan and financial details.
- Have a 60-minute phone call to address your queries and provide extra advice.
Comprehensive Assessment (INR 75000)
- Ten hours spent examining your documents, creating a thorough written assessment, and making as many improvements as possible to your business plan and financial model within the time frame.
- Two hours of phone consultation to address your inquiries and provide further advice.
Terms & Conditions
All the details you share with us will be kept private.
We offer our business plan review services at a much lower price, so we can only accept one review per client.
You need to pay upfront, and usually, the fee is not refundable (*see below). If you change your mind about the review after paying, we will give you consulting services of the same value (up to 1 hour for a Quick Assessment, 2.5 hours for a Basic Assessment, and 8 hours for a Comprehensive Assessment).
After you send us your plan for checking, we’ll need two working days to set up a first meeting. This helps us learn about your needs and focus our review on what’s important for you. This way, we can make sure you benefit the most from this process.
Depending on how busy we are, it might take up to five working days to finish the review after our first meeting.
We’ll do our best to review your plan, but you are responsible for making sure the information in your business plan (and related documents) is correct.
You agree to protect us, cover any costs, and keep us safe from any claims, losses, or damage caused by third parties that happen because of our work on your business plan review.
* Since our business plan review fees are significantly reduced, we can’t promise that one of our consultants will take on your project. If none of our consultants agree to work on it, we’ll give you a full refund.
All reviews are done to the best of our ability. You are responsible for making sure the information in your business plan (and related documents) is correct.
You agree to protect us, cover any costs, and keep us safe from any third-party claims, losses, or damages that happen because of our work on your business plan review.
Are you ready to speak with a business consultant? Give us a call.
Good strategy works by focusing energy and resources on one, or a very few, pivotal objectives whose accomplishment will lead to a cascade of favorable outcomes